Session 1-Female 13 Yrs/Over 100m Obstacle
Session 1-Open/Male 13 /Over 100m Obstacle
Session 1-Female 15 Yrs/Over 200m Obstacle
Session 1-Open/Male 15 /Over 200m Obstacle
Session 1-Female 13 Yrs/Over 12.5m Line Throw
Session 1-Open/Male 13/Ov 12.5m Line Throw
Session 1-Female 13 /Over 100m Manikin Carry
Session 1-Open/Male 13 /Ov 100m Manikin Carry
Session 1-13 Yrs/Over 100m Medley
Session 1-Open/Male 13 /Over 100m Medley
Session 2-Female 13 Yrs/Over 100m Obstacle
Session 2-Open/Male 13 /Over 100m Obstacle
Session 2-Female 15 Yrs/Over 200m Obstacle
Session 2-Open/Male 15 /Over 200m Obstacle
Session 2-Female 13/18 Yrs 12.5m Line Throw
Session 2-Open/Male 13/18 12.5m Line Throw
Session 2-Female 19 Yrs/Over 12.5m Line Throw
Session 2-Open/Male 19/OV 12.5m Line Throw
Session 2-Female 13/18 Yrs 100m Manikin Carry
Session 2-Open/Male 13/18 100m Manikin Carry
Session 2-Female 19 /Over 100m Manikin Carry
Session 2-Open/Male 19 /Ov 100m Manikin Carry
Session 2-Female 13/18 Yrs 100m Medley
Session 2-Open/Male 13/18 Yrs 100m Medley
Session 2-Female 19 Yrs/Over 100m Medley
Session 2-Open/Male 19 /Over 100m Medley
Session 3-Female 13 Yrs/Over 100m Manikin Tow
Session 3-Open/Male 13 /Over 100m Manikin Tow
Session 3-Female 13 Yrs/Ov 50m Manikin Carry
Session 3-Open/Male 13 /Ov 50m Manikin Carry
Session 3-Female 13/Ov 200m Superlifesaver
Session 3-Open/Male 13/Ov 200m Superlifesave
Session 4-Female 13/18 Yrs 100m Manikin Tow
Session 4-Open/Male 13/18 100m Manikin Tow
Session 4-Female 19 Yrs/Over 100m Manikin Tow
Session 4-Open/Male 19 /Over 100m Manikin Tow
Session 4-Female 13/18 Yrs 50m Manikin Carry
Session 4-Open/Male 13/18 50m Manikin Carry
Session 4-Female 19 Yrs/Ov 50m Manikin Carry
Session 4-Open/Male 19/Ov 50m Manikin Carry
Session 4-Female 13/18 200m Superlifesaver
Session 4-Open/Male 13/18 200m Superlifesaver
Session 1-Female 15 Yrs/Over 50m Mankin Carry
Session 1-Open/Male 15 /Ov 50m Manikin Carrry
Session 10-Female 15 Yrs/Over 100m Medley
Session 10-Open/Male 15 /Over 100m Medley
Session 10-Female 15 Yrs/Over 100m Manikin Tow
Session 10-Open/Male 15 /Over 100m Manikin Tow
Session 2-Female 50m Manikin Carry (Half)
Session 2-Open/Male 50m Manikin Carry (Half)
Session 3-Female 15 /Ov 200m Superlifesaver
Session 3-Open/Male 15 /Ov 200 Superlifesaver
Session 4-Female 12 Yrs/Over 100m Obstacle
Session 4-Open/Male 12 /Over 100m Obstacle
Session 4-Female 15 Yrs/Over 200m Obstacle
Session 4-Open/Male 15 /Over 200m Obstacle
Session 5-Female 15 Yrs/Over 12.5m ROPE Throw
Session 5-Open/Male 15/Ov 12.5m ROPE Throw
Session 6-Female 12 Yrs/Over 10m ROPE Throw
Session 6-Open/Male 12 Yrs/Ov 10m ROPE Throw
Session 7-Female 15 /Over 100m Manikin Carry
Session 7-Open/Male 15 /Ov 100m Manikin Carry
Session 8-Female 100m Manikin Carry (Half)
Session 8-Open/Male 100m Manikin Carry (Half)
Session 9-Female 100m Medley (Half)
Session 9-Open/Male 100m Medley (Half)
Session 1-Women 14 Yrs/Over 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-Open 14 Yrs/Over 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-Women 11/14 50m Half Manikin Carry
Session 1-Open 11/14 50m Half Manikin Carry
Session 1-Women 14 /Over 200m Superlifesaver
Session 1-Open 14 /Over 200m Superlifesaver
Session 2-Women 11/14 100m Half Manikin Carry
Session 2-Open 11/14 100m Half Manikin Carry
Session 2-Women 14 /Over 100m Manikin Carry
Session 2-Open 14 Yrs/Over 100m Manikin Carry
Session 2-Women 11/14 100 Half Manikin Medley
Session 2-Open 11/14 100m Half Manikin Medley
Session 2-Women 14 Yrs/Over 100m Medley
Session 2-Men 14 Yrs/Over 100m Medley
Session 3-Women 11/14 Yrs 10m Line Throw
Session 3-Open 11/14 Yrs 10m Line Throw
Session 4-Women 14 Yrs/Over 12.5m Line Throw
Session 4-Open 14 Yrs/Over 12.5m Line Throw
Session 4-Women 11/14 Yrs 100m Manikin Tow
Session 4-Open 11/14 Yrs 100m Manikin Tow
Session 1-Women 13 Yrs/Ov 100m Manikin Carry
Session 1-Open 13 Yrs/Over 100m Manikin Carry
Session 1-Women 13 Yrs/Over 200m Obstacle
Session 1-Open 13 Yrs/Over 200m Obstacle
Session 1-Women 13 Yrs/Over 100m Medley
Session 1-Open 13 Yrs/Over 100m Medley
Session 2-B Final Womens 13/Ov 100m Manikin
Session 2-B Final Open 13/Ov 100m Manikin
Session 2-Womens 13/Ov 100m Manikin
Session 2-Open 13/Ov 100m Manikin
Session 2-B Final Womens 13/Ov 200m Obstacle
Session 2-B Final Open 13/Ov 200m Obstacle
Session 2-Womens 13/Ov 200m Obstacle
Session 2-Open 13/Ov 200m Obstacle
Session 2-B Final Womens 13 /Ov 100m Medley
Session 2-B Final Open 13 /Ov 100m Medley
Session 2-Womens 13 /Ov 100m Medley
Session 2-Open 13 /Ov 100m Medley
Session 3-Women 13/Over 200m Superlifesaver
Session 3-Open 13 Yrs/Ov 200m Superlifesaver
Session 3-Women 13 Yrs/Over 50m Manikin Carry
Session 3-Open 13 Yrs/Over 50m Manikin Carry
Session 3-Women 13 Yrs/Over 100m Manikin Tow
Session 3-Open 13 Yrs/Over 100m Manikin Tow
Session 4-B Final Womens 200m Superlifesaver
Session 4-B Final Open 200m Superlifesaver
Session 4-Womens 200m Superlifesaver
Session 4-Open 200m Superlifesaver
Session 4-B Final Womens 13 Yrs/Ov 50m Carry
Session 4-B Final Open 13 Yrs/Ov 50m Carry
Session 4-Womens 13 Yrs/Ov 50m Carry
Session 4-Open 13 Yrs/Ov 50m Carry
Session 4-B Final Womens 13 Yrs/Ov 100m Tow
Session 4-B Final Open 13 Yrs/Ov 100m Tow
Session 1-Women 100m Half Manikin Carry
Session 1-Men 100m Half Manikin Carry
Session 1-Women 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-Men 50m Manikin Carry
Session 2-Women 50m Half Manikin Carry
Session 2-Men 50m Half Manikin Carry
Session 2-Women 100m Rescue Medley
Session 2-Men 100m Rescue Medley
Session 3-Women 100m Obstacles
Session 3-Women 200m Obstacles
Session 4-Women 12.5m Line Throw
Session 4-Men 12.5m Line Throw
Session 5-Women 10m Line Throw
Session 6-Women 100m Manikin Carry
Session 6-Men 100m Manikin Carry
Session 7-Women 200m Superlifesaver
Session 7-Men 200m Superlifesaver
Session 1-Women 15/18 Yrs 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-Men 15/18 Yrs 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-Women 19/29 Yrs 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-Men 19/29 Yrs 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-Women 30 Yrs/Over 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-Men 30 Yrs/Over 50m Manikin Carry
Session 10-Women 15/18 Yrs 100m Manikin Tow
Session 10-Men 15/18 Yrs 100m Manikin Tow
Session 10-Women 19 Yrs/Over 100m Manikin Tow
Session 10-Men 19 Yrs/Over 100m Manikin Tow
Session 2-Women 12/14 Yrs 50m Manikin Carry
Session 2-Men 12/14 Yrs 50m Manikin Carry
Session 3-Women 15/29 Yrs 200m SuperLifesaver
Session 3-Men 15/29 Yrs 200m Superlifesaver
Session 4-Women 12/14 Yrs 100m Obstacle
Session 4-Men 12/14 Yrs 100m Obstacle
Session 4-Women 15 Yrs/Over 100m Obstacle
Session 4-Men 15 Yrs/Over 100m Obstacle
Session 4-Women 15 Yrs/Over 200m Obstacle
Session 4-Men 15 Yrs/Over 200m Obstacle
Session 5-Women 30 Yrs/Over 12.5m Line throw
Session 5-Men 30 Yrs/Over 12.5m Line throw
Session 5-Women 15/18 Yrs 12.5m Line throw
Session 5-Women 19/29 Yrs 12.5m Line throw
Session 5-Men 15/18 Yrs 12.5m Line throw
Session 5-Men 19/29 Yrs 12.5m Line throw
Session 6-Women 12/14 Yrs 10m Line throw
Session 6-Men 12/14 Yrs 10m Line throw
Session 7-Women 15/18 Yrs 100m Manikin Carry
Session 7-Men 15/18 Yrs 100m Manikin Carry
Session 7-Women 19 Yr/Over 100m Manikin Carry
Session 7-Men 19 Yrs/Over 100m Manikin Carry
Session 8-Women 12/14 Yrs 100m Manikin Carry
Session 8-Men 12/14 Yrs 100m Manikin Carry
Session 8-Women 12/14 Yrs 100m Rescue Medley
Session 8-Men 12/14 Yrs 100m Rescue Medley
Session 9-Women 15/18 Yrs 100m Rescue Medley
Session 9-Men 15/18 Yrs 100m Rescue Medley
Session 1-Women 12/17 Yrs 100m Obstacles
Session 1-Men 12/17 Yrs 100m Obstacles
Session 1-Women 50 Yrs/Over 100m Obstacles
Session 1-Men 50 Yrs/Over 100m Obstacles
Session 1-Women 18 Yrs/Over 200m Obstacles
Session 1-Men 18 Yrs/Over 200m Obstacles
Session 2-Women 15 Yrs/Over 12m Line Throw
Session 2-Men 15 Yrs/Over 12m Line Throw
Session 3-Women 12/14 Yrs 10m Line Throw
Session 3-Men 12/14 Yrs 10m Line Throw
Session 3-Women 50 Yrs/Over 10m Line Throw
Session 3-Men 50 Yrs/Over 10m Line Throw
Session 4-Women 12/14 Yrs 50m Manikin Carry
Session 4-Men 12/14 Yrs 50m Manikin Carry
Session 4-Women 15 Yrs/Over 50m Manikin Carry
Session 4-Men 15 Yrs/Over 50m Manikin Carry
Session 5-Women 12/14 Yrs 100m Manikin Carry
Session 5-Men 12/14 Yrs 100m Manikin Carry
Session 5-Women 15 Yrs/Ov 100m Manikin Carry
Session 5-Men 15 Yrs/Over 100m Manikin Carry
Session 1-M - 50m Half Filled Manikin Carry
Session 1-F - 50m Half Filled Manikin Carry
Session 1-M - 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-F - 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-M - 100m Half Filled Manikin Carry with Fins
Session 1-F - 100m Half Filled Manikin Carry with Fins
Session 1-M - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
Session 1-F - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
Session 1-M - 100m Manikin Tow
Session 1-F - 100m Manikin Tow
Session 1-M - 100m Medley (Half Filled Manikin)
Session 1-F - 100m Medley (Half Filled Manikin)
Session 1-M - 200m Superlifesaver
Session 1-M - 50m Half Filled Manikin Carry
Session 1-F - 50m Half Filled Manikin Carry
Session 1-M - 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-F - 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-M - 100m Half Filled Manikin Carry with Fins
Session 1-F - 100m Half Filled Manikin Carry with Fins
Session 1-M - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
Session 1-F - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
Session 1-M - 100m Manikin Tow
Session 1-F - 100m Manikin Tow
Session 1-M - 100m Medley (Half Filled Manikin)
Session 1-F - 100m Medley (Half Filled Manikin)
Session 1-M - 200m Superlifesaver
Session 1-M - 50m Half Filled Manikin Carry
Session 1-F - 50m Half Filled Manikin Carry
Session 1-M - 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-F - 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-M - 100m Half Filled Manikin Carry with Fins
Session 1-F - 100m Half Filled Manikin Carry with Fins
Session 1-M - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
Session 1-F - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
Session 1-M - 100m Manikin Tow
Session 1-F - 100m Manikin Tow
Session 1-M - 100m Medley (Half Filled Manikin)
Session 1-F - 100m Medley (Half Filled Manikin)
Session 1-M - 200m Superlifesaver
Session 1-M - 50m Half Filled Manikin Carry
Session 1-F - 50m Half Filled Manikin Carry
Session 1-M - 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-F - 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-M - 100m Half Filled Manikin Carry with Fins
Session 1-F - 100m Half Filled Manikin Carry with Fins
Session 1-M - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
Session 1-F - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
Session 1-M - 100m Manikin Tow
Session 1-F - 100m Manikin Tow
Session 1-M - 100m Medley (Half Filled Manikin)
Session 1-F - 100m Medley (Half Filled Manikin)
Session 1-M - 200m Superlifesaver
Session 1-M - 50m Half Filled Manikin Carry
Session 1-F - 50m Half Filled Manikin Carry
Session 1-M - 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-F - 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-M - 100m Half Filled Manikin Carry with Fins
Session 1-F - 100m Half Filled Manikin Carry with Fins
Session 1-M - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
Session 1-F - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
Session 1-M - 100m Manikin Tow
Session 1-F - 100m Manikin Tow
Session 1-M - 100m Medley (Half Filled Manikin)
Session 1-F - 100m Medley (Half Filled Manikin)
Session 1-M - 200m Superlifesaver
Session 1-Womens Open 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-Mens Open 50m Manikin Carry
Session 2-Womens Open 100m Manikin Carry
Session 2-Mens Open 100m Manikin Carry
Session 3-Womens Dev B 50m Manikin Carry
Session 3-Womens Dev A 50m Manikin Carry
Session 3-Womens Nat B 50m Manikin Carry
Session 3-Womens Nat A 50m Manikin Carry
Session 3-Mens Dev B 50m Manikin Carry
Session 3-Mens Dev A 50m Manikin Carry
Session 3-Mens Nat B 50m Manikin Carry
Session 3-Mens Nat A 50m Manikin Carry
Session 3-Womens Dev B 100m Manikin Carry
Session 3-Womens Dev A 100m Manikin Carry
Session 3-Womens Nat B 100m Manikin Carry
Session 3-Womens Nat A 100m Manikin Carry
Session 3-Mens Dev B 100m Manikin Carry
Session 3-Mens Dev A 100m Manikin Carry
Session 3-Mens Nat B 100m Manikin Carry
Session 3-Mens Nat A 100m Manikin Carry
Session 4-Womens Open 100m Manikin Tow
Session 4-Mens Open 100m Manikin Tow
Session 5-Womens Open 200m Superlifersaver
Session 5-Mens Open 200m Superlifersaver
Session 6-Womens Dev B 100m Manikin Tow
Session 6-Womens Dev A 100m Manikin Tow
Session 6-Womens Nat B 100m Manikin Tow
Session 6-Womens Nat A 100m Manikin Tow
Session 6-Mens Dev B 100m Manikin Tow
Session 6-Mens Dev A 100m Manikin Tow
Session 6-Mens Nat B 100m Manikin Tow
Session 6-Mens Nat A 100m Manikin Tow
Session 6-Womens Dev B 200m Superlifesaver
Session 6-Womens Dev A 200m Superlifesaver
Session 6-Womens Nat B 200m Superlifesaver
Session 6-Womens Nat A 200m Superlifesaver
Session 6-Mens Dev B 200m Superlifesaver
Session 6-Mens Dev A 200m Superlifesaver
Session 1-M - 50m Half Filled Manikin Carry
Session 1-F - 50m Half Filled Manikin Carry
Session 1-M - 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-F - 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-M - 100m Half Filled Manikin Carry with Fins
Session 1-F - 100m Half Filled Manikin Carry with Fins
Session 1-M - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
Session 1-F - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
Session 1-M - 100m Manikin Tow
Session 1-F - 100m Manikin Tow
Session 1-M - 100m Medley (Half Filled Manikin)
Session 1-F - 100m Medley (Half Filled Manikin)
Session 1-M - 200m Superlifesaver
Session 1-M - 50m Half Filled Manikin Carry
Session 1-F - 50m Half Filled Manikin Carry
Session 1-M - 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-F - 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-M - 100m Half Filled Manikin Carry with Fins
Session 1-F - 100m Half Filled Manikin Carry with Fins
Session 1-M - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
Session 1-F - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
Session 1-M - 100m Manikin Tow
Session 1-F - 100m Manikin Tow
Session 1-M - 100m Medley (Half Filled Manikin)
Session 1-F - 100m Medley (Half Filled Manikin)
Session 1-M - 200m Superlifesaver
Session 1-Women Open 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-Men Open Yrs 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-Girl 15/17 Yrs 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-Boy 15/17 Yrs 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-Women 30 Yrs/Over 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-Men 30 Yrs/Over 50m Manikin Carry
Session 10-Girl 15/17 Yrs 100m Manikin Tow
Session 10-Boy 15/17 Yrs 100m Manikin Tow
Session 10-Women 15 Yrs/Over 100m Manikin Tow
Session 10-Men 15 Yrs/Over 100m Manikin Tow
Session 2-Girl 12/14 Yrs 50m Manikin Carry
Session 2-Boy 12/14 Yrs 50m Manikin Carry
Session 3-Women 15 Yrs/Ov 200m Superlifesaver
Session 3-Men 15 Yrs/Over 200m Superlifesaver
Session 4-Girl 12/14 Yrs 100m Obstacle
Session 4-Boy 12/14 Yrs 100m Obstacle
Session 4-Girl 15 Yrs/Over 100m Obstacle
Session 4-Boy 15 Yrs/Over 100m Obstacle
Session 4-Women 15 Yrs/Over 200m Obstacle
Session 4-Men 15 Yrs/Over 200m Obstacle
Session 5-Women 30 Yrs/Over 12.5m Line Throw
Session 5-Men 30 Yrs/Over 12.5m Line Throw
Session 5-Girl 15/17 Yrs 12.5m Line Throw
Session 5-Women Open 12.5m Line Throw
Session 5-Boy 15/17 Yrs 50m 12.5m Line Throw
Session 5-Men Open 12.5m Line Throw
Session 6-Girl 12/14 Yrs 10m Line Throw
Session 6-Boy 12/14 Yrs 10m Line Throw
Session 7-Girl 15/17 Yrs 100m Manikin Carry
Session 7-Boy 15/17 Yrs 100m Manikin Carry
Session 7-Women 15 Yrs/Ov 100m Manikin Carry
Session 7-Men 15 Yrs/Over 100m Manikin Carry
Session 8-Girl 12/14 Yrs 100m Manikin Carry
Session 8-Boy 12/14 Yrs 100m Manikin Carry
Session 8-Girl 12/14 Yrs 100m Medley
Session 8-Boy 12/14 Yrs 100m Medley
Session 9-Girl 15/17 Yrs 100m Medley
Session 9-Boy 15/17 Yrs 100m Medley
Session 1-Womens Open 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-Mens Open 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-Girls 15/17 Yrs 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-Boys 15/17 Yrs 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-Womens 30/OV 50m Manikin Carry
Session 1-Mens 30 Yrs/Over 50m Manikin Carry
Session 2-Girls 12/14 Yrs 50m Manikin Carry
Session 2-Boys 12/14 Yrs 50m Manikin Carry
Session 3-Womens Open 200m Superlifesaver
Session 3-Mens Open 200m Superlifesaver
Session 4-Girls 12/14 Yrs 100m Obstacles
Session 4-Boys 12/14 Yrs 100m Obstacles
Session 4-Womens 15Yrs/Over 100m Obstacles
Session 4-Mens 15 Yrs/Over 100m Obstacles
Session 4-Womens 15 Yrs/Over 200m Obstacles
Session 4-Mens 15 Yrs/Over 200m Obstacles
Session 5-Womens 30 Yrs/Over 12.5m Line Throw
Session 5-Mens 30 Yrs/Over 12.5m Line Throw
Session 5-Girls 15/17 Yrs 12.5m Line Throw
Session 5-Womens Open 12.5m Line Throw
Session 5-Boys 15/17 Yrs 12.5m Line Throw
Session 5-Mens Open 12.5m Line Throw
Session 6-Girls 12/14 Yrs 10m Line Throw
Session 6-Boys 12/14 Yrs 10m Line Throw
Session 7-Girls 15/17 Yrs 100m Manikin Carry
Session 7-Boys 15/17 Yrs 100m Manikin Carry
Session 7-Womens 15 /Over 100m Manikin Carry
Session 7-Mens 15 Yrs/Over 100m Manikin Carry
Session 8-Girls 12/14 Yrs 100m Manikin Carry
Session 8-Boys 12/14 Yrs 100m Manikin Carry
Session 8-Girls 12/14 Yrs 100m Medley
Session 8-Boys 12/14 Yrs 100m Medley
Session 9-Girls 15/17 Yrs 100m Medley
Session 9-Boys 15/17 Yrs 100m Medley
Session 9-Womens 15 Yrs/Over 100m Medley
Session 9-Mens 15 Yrs/Over 100m Medley
Session 9-Girls 15/17 Yrs 100m Manikin Tow
Session 9-Boys 15/17 Yrs 100m Manikin Tow
RLSS Speeds Session1-F - 10m Line Throw
RLSS Speeds Session1-M - 10m Line Throw
RLSS Speeds Session1-F - 12.5m Line Throw
RLSS Speeds Session1-M - 12.5m Line Throw
RLSS Speeds Session1-F - 12.5m Line Throw
RLSS Speeds Session1-M - 12.5m Line Throw
RLSS Speeds Session1-F - 12.5m Line Throw
RLSS Speeds Session1-M - 12.5m Line Throw
RLSS Speeds Session1-F - 12.5m Line Throw
RLSS Speeds Session1-M - 12.5m Line Throw
RLSS Speeds Session1-F - 50m Half Filled Manikin Carry
RLSS Speeds Session1-M - 50m Half Filled Manikin Carry
RLSS Speeds Session1-F - 50m Manikin Carry
RLSS Speeds Session1-M - 50m Manikin Carry
RLSS Speeds Session1-F - 50m Manikin Carry
RLSS Speeds Session1-M - 50m Manikin Carry
RLSS Speeds Session1-F - 50m Manikin Carry
RLSS Speeds Session1-F - 50m Manikin Carry
RLSS Speeds Session1-F - 50m Manikin Carry
RLSS Speeds Session1-M - 50m Manikin Carry
RLSS Speeds Session1-M - 50m Manikin Carry
RLSS Speeds Session1-M - 50m Manikin Carry
RLSS Speeds Session1-F - 200m Superlifesaver
RLSS Speeds Session1-M - 200m Superlifesaver
RLSS Speeds Session1-F - 100m Obstacles
RLSS Speeds Session1-M - 100m Obstacles
RLSS Speeds Session1-F - 100m Obstacles
RLSS Speeds Session1-M - 100m Obstacles
RLSS Speeds Session1-F - 200m Obstacles
RLSS Speeds Session1-M - 200m Obstacles
RLSS Speeds Session1-F - 200m Obstacles
RLSS Speeds Session1-M - 200m Obstacles
RLSS Speeds Session1-F - 200m Obstacles
RLSS Speeds Session1-M - 200m Obstacles
RLSS Speeds Session1-M - 200m Obstacles
RLSS Speeds Session1-M - 100m Obstacles
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 100m Half Filled Manikin Carry with Fins
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 100m Half Filled Manikin Carry with Fins
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 100m Medley (Half Filled Manikin)
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 100m Medley (Half Filled Manikin)
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 100m Medley
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 100m Medley
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 100m Medley
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 100m Medley
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 100m Medley
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 100m Medley
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 100m Medley
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 100m Medley
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 100m Medley
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 100m Manikin Tow
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 100m Manikin Tow
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 100m Manikin Tow
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 100m Manikin Tow
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 100m Manikin Tow
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 100m Manikin Tow
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 100m Manikin Tow
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 100m Manikin Tow
RLSS Speeds Session1-F - 50m Half Filled Manikin Carry
RLSS Speeds Session1-M - 50m Half Filled Manikin Carry
RLSS Speeds Session1-F - 10m Line Throw
RLSS Speeds Session1-M - 10m Line Throw
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 50m Manikin Carry
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 50m Manikin Carry
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 50m Manikin Carry
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 50m Manikin Carry
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 50m Manikin Carry
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 50m Manikin Carry
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 50m Manikin Carry
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 50m Manikin Carry
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 50m Manikin Carry
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 50m Manikin Carry
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 200m Superlifesaver
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 200m Superlifesaver
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 100m Obstacles
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 100m Obstacles
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 100m Obstacles
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 100m Obstacles
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 200m Obstacles
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 200m Obstacles
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 200m Obstacles
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 200m Obstacles
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 200m Obstacles
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 200m Obstacles
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 200m Obstacles
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 200m Obstacles
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 12.5m Line Throw
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 12.5m Line Throw
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 12.5m Line Throw
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 12.5m Line Throw
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 12.5m Line Throw
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 12.5m Line Throw
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 12.5m Line Throw
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 12.5m Line Throw
RLSS Speeds Session2-F - 12.5m Line Throw
RLSS Speeds Session2-M - 12.5m Line Throw
RLSS Speeds Session3-F - 100m Half Filled Manikin Carry with Fins
RLSS Speeds Session3-M - 100m Half Filled Manikin Carry with Fins
RLSS Speeds Session3-F - 100m Medley (Half Filled Manikin)
RLSS Speeds Session3-M - 100m Medley (Half Filled Manikin)
RLSS Speeds Session4-F - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
RLSS Speeds Session4-M - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
RLSS Speeds Session4-F - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
RLSS Speeds Session4-M - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
RLSS Speeds Session4-F - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
RLSS Speeds Session4-M - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
RLSS Speeds Session4-F - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
RLSS Speeds Session4-M - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
RLSS Speeds Session4-F - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
RLSS Speeds Session4-M - 100m Manikin Carry with Fins
RLSS Speeds Session4-F - 100m Medley
RLSS Speeds Session4-M - 100m Medley
RLSS Speeds Session4-F - 100m Medley
RLSS Speeds Session4-M - 100m Medley
RLSS Speeds Session4-F - 100m Medley
RLSS Speeds Session4-M - 100m Medley
RLSS Speeds Session4-F - 100m Medley
RLSS Speeds Session4-M - 100m Medley
RLSS Speeds Session4-F - 100m Medley
RLSS Speeds Session4-M - 100m Medley
RLSS Speeds Session4-F - 100m Manikin Tow
RLSS Speeds Session4-M - 100m Manikin Tow
RLSS Speeds Session4-F - 100m Manikin Tow
RLSS Speeds Session4-M - 100m Manikin Tow
RLSS Speeds Session4-F - 100m Manikin Tow
RLSS Speeds Session4-M - 100m Manikin Tow
RLSS Speeds Session4-F - 100m Manikin Tow
RLSS Speeds Session4-M - 100m Manikin Tow
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMan | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HManF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMedley | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m Man | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m ManF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m Medley | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m Rope | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12m Rope | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m Super | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m Tow | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12m Rope | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMan | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12m Rope | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMan | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m Rope | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12m Rope | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m Man | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m ManF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12m Rope | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m Tow | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMedley | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m HMAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m HMEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
10m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
12.5m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
50m ROPE | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m TOW | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
Event | All Time | Last 12 Months | This Calandar Year | ||||||
50m MAN | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MANF | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m MEDLEY | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
100m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m OBS | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |
200m SUPER | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female | Both | Male | Female |